Digitail Tag


Discover RFID Tags and Readers/Accessories

Digitail™ Accessories, RFID Tags and Readers

Discover all the related accessories to Digitail™, including the RFID tags and readers of varying types. If you’re looking for handheld, benchtop or wearable RFID tag readers, then the Digitail™ system is for you!

RFID tags and readers are paramount in developing the correct identification system for your laboratory. At Somark, we provide a variety of reader types to help you determine which will suit your Technician and general laboratory processing.

With ID reads taking place frequently, day in and day out, across the laboratory, choosing an approach that brings efficiency and productivity is important. Colonies can span hundreds of thousands of mice (or research subjects), so the right reader is crucial in achieving process optimisation!

Digitail Injector

Digitail™ Injector

Digitail Injector is our patented technology designed to implant the Digitail Tag safely and consistently into the tail of the rodent. The Injector pen consists of a reusable handheld unit and single use disposable cartridge.

Through a 21-gauge needle, the Digitail Tag is implanted quickly and relatively painlessly into the rodent’s tail. The RFID tags and readers are all compatible with the injector pen to produce a complete system.

Digitail Benchtop Reader v2

Digitail™ Benchtop Reader

Digitail Benchtop Reader comes with the free LinkTo application to manage reading of the Digitail™ Tag, the world’s smallest RFID Tag used in preclinical research, with automated transfer of the animal ID into any of your systems.

The RFID Tags and readers are designed to provide utilmate flexibility, with the Digitail Benchtop reader enabling fast and accurate reading of the tags with minimal input. The benchtop reader ensures you can correctly collect and associate experimental (or observational data) with the right animal every time, removing errors and improving accuracy.

Discover the RFID tags and readers available at Somark, including handheld, portable solutions for extra mobility!

Digitail™ Handheld Readers

We recognise that RFID tags and readers need to work alongside your existing laboratory processes, this is why a handheld reader may be the most suitable option for your Digitail system.

We can recommend a wide range of compatible, portable Digitail Readers, such as this TSL 1128 Bluetooth model, which allows for better mobility in the lab environment. If you want to take a reader from room to room, simply discuss with us some of the bluetooth connected options which will enable extended read distances!

Introducing Somark's wearable RFID tag readers which are suitable for mobile use across the laboratory through bluetooth!

Digitail™ Wearable Readers

RFID tags and readers can incorporate a wearable option. Here, these readers connect wirelessly to your data systems using Bluetooth connectivity, this enables the very best in mobility across the lab and will be ideal.

Worn on your wrist or around your neck using a lanyard, such as this TSL 1153 Bluetooth enabled reader, allows Technicians to wander the lab and maintain accurately read IDs.

LinkTo RFID Reader Software enables RFID tags and readers to connect with any pre-existing laboratory LIMS or ELN systems.

LinkTo Application & Software

Somark’s LinkTo application system provides the ability for tag connectivity to existing colony management, ELN & LIMS systems. The system is built to deliver automated processes across the entire Chain of Custody. All you need to set up the system, RFID tags and readers, is to tag your study subjects with Digitail and then connect to the internet.

LinkTo is our chosen software as it enables you to move away from manual processes and time consuming Excel sheets. Opting for a secure, scalable platform which connects with the technology you already have in your lab!

DigitailTM Safety Restraint

Somark Safety Restraint

The Somark Safety Restraint is a patented design which enables researchers to take advantage of the compliant and considerate enclosure for various processes and applications. Used in partnership with Digitail to safetly restraint a mouse while the RFID tag is implement, or for maximum access to the tail for biopsy or vein injections.

The restraints are available in one size, for mice. Specifically built to be used in conjuction with the Digitail Injector for RFID Tags and readers, we have seen continued demand for this restraint to be released as a standalone product for other applications.


Benefits of RFID Tags and Readers



Can be inserted into the tail and will not migrate.
Refined injection

Refined injector

21-gauge needle is the smallest available and strongly benefits animal welfare.
Higher animal welfare

Portability and wearability

The variety of readers available means the process can be shaped to your lab
Easily injecting

Easily read

5cm read distance through a full 360 degree field, with extended read distances for handheld and wearable options.
Small and powerful

Small and powerful

The smallest and most efficient RFID tag in the market, with powerful software integrations.


Low price which is also the best in category. It represents unmatched value.

Uncover everything you need to know about Digitail Injectors…

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